The Ælfflæd are an Extra-Spatial Human Analogue Species who are distant genetic ancestors of the Orcnēas. Once a forest-dwelling people with a culture deeply based in the worship of nature, the Ælfflæd eventually discovered the Heliks, and with its technology colonised the stars, forging an expansive Inter-Spatial empire. The Ælfflæd found themselves thrust into conflict with another species who had also adapted the Heliks for their own purposes, known as the KThód. The Ælflæd successfully mounted a stalwart defense against the KThód invasion, at great cost to their planet’s ecosystem; the surface became uninhabitable as a result.
It is acknowledged among the Ælflæd that the individual known as Orcus, was in fact one of their military leaders, who refused to abandon the homeworld of his people, and led his followers to live in a series of subterranean caverns, where their genetic characteristics diverged over many hundreds of thousands of generations, ultimately evolving (or devolving) into the Orcnēas.
The Orcnēas collectively reject this narrative, and in fact it is hypothesised that Orcus and his followers were in fact purposely abandoned by the Ælflæd monarchy in order to cull "undesirable" or "inferior" bloodlines from the species' genepool, using the KThód infestation as jusification.
The Ælflæds' origins as woodland creatures are evident, including their vaguely animalistic appearance and short, coarse pelts covering their bodies, which can range in colour from dark grey, to light brown, to deep red, depending on lineage. Although they have embraced technology as an evolutionary tool, they have a deep reverence for nature, with a culture that places profound value on their arboreal history, especially in light of the decimation of their homeworld's environment. There exists an obvious genetic relationship between the Ælflæd and the Orcneás, who possess many similar physical characteristics, including a pseudo-penis in the female physiology of both species.
Regardless of the historical origins of these two civilisations, reconciliation has been made possible through the ongoing conflict against the KThód and their allies.
Recognising our region of spacetime as a strategically important barrier to the cult's expansion, the Ælflæd, along with their allies, formed the Broadswords Compact with the remaining human population, aiding in the renovation and reconstruction of Earth’s civilisation. The Ælflæd now serve side by side with Broadswords personnel both in the field and at certain facilities, where their superior technology, fierce combat skills, and extensive knowledge of a variety of Extra-Spatial Phenomena is put to great advantage. Because of the profound age of their civilisation, their technology is beyond anything conceived by Human minds, and is thoroughly integrated into their biology. Each Ælfflæd has a permanent connection to the Heliks, and can travel between Spatial Strata at will. They are perhaps the most advanced of Human Analogue Species. Æfflæd live long lives, and so their numbers are very tightly controlled in order to sustain resources.
Like their Orcnēas cousins, the Ælfflæd are a matriarchal society, with a single monarchy known as “The Yunæsa Commonwealth” having directed their society from the beginning.
A caste system exists within the species, distinguished by anatomical or morphological differences between subsets. These delineations have been bred over millions of generations for specific purposes within their social and military hierarchies.
The golden Sæluuk armour of the House of Yunæsa is worn by the Sindærn Viscountess Yunæsa Ralomys and her personal guard. The Monarch's sister, Ralomys is the High Commander of the Ælflæd Commonwealth's military.
Two Sæluuk Imperators accompany her at all times.
Sæluuk Imperator Yunæsa Onvyr Quigolor
Sæluuk Imperator Yunæsa Sontar Venxidor
Viscountess Ralomys is a Gærælf, the Ælflæd equivalent of a Theriant, and in combat is almost always seen astride a massive, bloodthirsty wolf-like creature known as a Gærwæth, which she has named "Aræl-Mai-Savalyr," or "Eater of Hearts”, and is accompanied by three other Gærælf Imperatrixes, clad in the dark armour of .
The second highest-ranking Field Commander of the Ælflæd Commonwealth, Sindærn Warmistress Dæthyriis Dæric reports directly to Viscountess Ralomys. Dæric wears the white and red Sæluuk armour worn by all Imperator Legionnaires. These are also the colours of House Dæthryiis, which constitutes the largest familial population of the Commonwealth. Dæric is cousin to the Monarch and Viscountess.
The Warmistress' two Imperator Generals are always at her side.
Sæluuk Imperator General Dæthyriis Khilseith
Sæluuk Imperator General Dæthyriis Xilmær
Warmistress Dæric rides a massive, six-legged haemovorous creature known as a Særækphæræ, which she has named “Blade of Night”
The ruling caste, who hold the highest positions of military command.
The elite scientist-soldier caste, fierce hand-to-hand combatants who serve as the developers of Ælflæd technology, and spend their lives sheathed in Nano-mimetic armour.
The heavy soldier caste, each individual is encased in a Bionetic combat suit. Attempts to reverse engineer Ælfæd Sæluuk armour technology by Broadswords have not been completely fruitless, and a new human version of the suit is currently fielded in a limited capacity as part of a joint VAKTPOST and SCI/TECH program, where the suits are worn by specially-trained Rangers, designated with the newly-established rank of Gendarme.
The golden Sæluuk armour of the House of Yunæsa is worn by the Sindærn Viscountess Yunæsa Ralomys and her personal guard. The Monarch's sister, Ralomys is also the High Commander of the Ælflæd Commonwealth's military.
Two Imperators accompany her at all times.
Sæluuk Imperator Yunæsa Onvyr Quigolor
Sæluuk Imperator Yunæsa Sontar Venxidor
The second highest-ranking Field Commander of the Ælflæd Commonwealth, Sindærn Warmistress Dæthyriis Dæric reports directly to Viscountess Ralomys. Dæric wears the white and red Sæluuk armour worn by House Dæthryiis, which constitutes the largest number of soldiers in the Commonwealth. Dæric is cousin to the Monarch and Viscountess.
The Warmistress' two Imperator Generals are always at her side.
Sæluuk Imperator General Dæthyriis Khilseith
Sæluuk Imperator General Dæthyriis Xilmær
Warmistress Dæric is a Gærælf, the Ælflæd equivalent of a Theriant, and in combat is almost always seen astride a massive, bloodthirsty wolf-like creature known as a Gærwæth, which she has named "Aræl-Mai-Savalyr," or "Eater of Hearts".
These powerful, crystalline-based heavy assault drones are piloted by warriors of great distinction, the machines are controlled from afar via Telesthetic transmission.
A newly-established combat machine developed by combining Oni-Tsuchigumo biotech with engineered Sindærn DNA. Structurally, they bear a resemblance to the Oni, with the obvious incorporation of Ælflæd features. They are devoid of independent will, controlled via Telesthetics.
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The second highest-ranking Field Commander of the Ælflæd Commonwealth, Sindærn Warmistress Dæthyriis Dæric reports directly to Viscountess Ralomys. Dæric wears the white and red Sæluuk armour worn by all Imperator Legionnaires. These are also the colours of House Dæthryiis, which constitutes the largest familial population of the Commonwealth. Dæric is cousin to the Monarch and Viscountess.
The Warmistress' two Imperator Generals are always at her side.
Sæluuk Imperator General Dæthyriis Khilseith
Sæluuk Imperator General Dæthyriis Xilmær
Warmistress Dæric rides a massive, six-legged haemovorous creature known as a Særækphæræ, which she has named “Blade of Night”
Sæluuk Imperator General Dæthyriis Xilmær
Roughly translated to “Mind Vessels,” these are powerful, crystalline-based combat drones. Piloted by warriors of distinction, the machines are controlled from afar via Telesthetic transmission.