“They had, indeed, come themselves from the stars, and brought Their images with Them.”


The Ælfflæd are an Extra-Spatial Human Analogue Species who are distant genetic ancestors of the Orcnēas. Once a forest-dwelling people with a culture deeply based in the worship of nature, the Ælfflæd eventually developed a form of technology which permitted them to colonise the stars, where they discovered the Heliks, ultimately forging an expansive Inter-Spatial empire. The Ælfflæd found themselves thrust into conflict with many other species who had also adapted the Heliks for their own purposes, primarily the KThód, who in turn invaded and infested the Ælflæd's planet. Powerful natural Telesthetics, the Ælflæd successfully mounted a stalwart defense against the cult’s invasion, however this came at great cost to the planetary ecosystem, making the surface uninhabitable.

It is acknowledged among the Ælflæd that the individual known as Orcus, was in fact one of their military leaders, who refused to abandon the homeworld of his people, and led his followers to live in a series of subterranean caverns, where their genetic characteristics diverged over many hundreds of thousands of generations, ultimately evolving (or devolving) into the Orcnēas. 
The Orcnēas collectively reject this narrative, and in fact it is hypothesised that Orcus and his followers were in fact purposely abandoned by the Ælflæd monarchy in order to cull "undesirable" or "inferior" bloodlines from the species' genepool.

 The Ælflæds' origins as woodland creatures are evident, including their vaguely animalistic appearance and short, coarse pelts covering their bodies, which can range in colour from dark grey, to light brown, to deep red, depending on lineage. Although they have embraced technology as an evolutionary tool, they have a deep reverence for nature, with a culture that places profound value on their arboreal history, especially in light of the decimation of their homeworld's environment. There exists an obvious genetic relationship between the Ælflæd and the Orcneás, who possess many similar physical characteristics, including a pseudo-penis in the female physiology of both species.
Regardless of the historical origins of these two civilisations, reconciliation has been made possible through the ongoing conflict against the KThód and their allies.

Recognising our region of spacetime as a strategically important barrier to the cult's expansion, the Ælflæd now serve side by side with Broadswords personnel both in the field and at certain facilities, where their superior technology, fierce combat skills, and extensive knowledge of a variety of Extra-Spatial Phenomena is put to great advantage. Because of the profound age of their civilisation, their technology is beyond anything conceived by Human minds, and is thoroughly integrated into their biology. Each Ælfflæd has a permanent connection to the Heliks, and can travel between Spatial Strata at will. They are perhaps the most advanced of Human Analogue Species. Æfflæd live long lives, and so their numbers are very tightly controlled in order to sustain resources.
Like their Orcnēas cousins, the Ælfflæd are a matriarchal society, with a single monarchy known as “The Yunæsa Commonwealth” having directed their society from the beginning. 
A caste system exists within the species, distinguished by anatomical or morphological differences between subsets. These delineations have been bred over millions of generations for specific purposes within their social and military hierarchies.

Ælfflæd Caste Subsets


The ruling caste, who hold the highest positions of military and sociopolitical office. It is not unusual to see members of the royal family personally engaged in heavy combat operations. Sindærn Warmaster Yunæsa Thælhon, brother to the Monarch, serves as commander of the Álfuur Brigade.


The elite scientist-soldier caste; brilliant physicists, engineers, and physicians, these fierce hand-to-hand combatants serve as the developers and stewards of Ælflæd technology. They spend their lives sheathed in Nano-mimetic armour which generates energy-based weapons and tools at the speed of thought.


The heavy combat caste, each individual is encased in a Bionetic assault suit. Sæluuk combatants carry either the rank of Imperator or Executor, depending on their biological sex.
The golden Sæluuk armour of the House of Yunæsa is worn by the Sindærn Viscountess Yunæsa Ralomys and her personal guard. The Monarch's sister, Ralomys is the High Commander of the Ælflæd Commonwealth's military.
Two Imperators accompany her at all times.
Sæluuk Imperator Yunæsa Onvyr Quigolor
Sæluuk Imperator Yunæsa Sontar Venxidor

Attempts to reverse engineer Sæluuk technology by Broadswords have not been completely fruitless, and a new human-operated version of the suit is currently fielded in a limited capacity as part of a joint VAKTPOST and SCI/TECH program known as the Gendarmerie.


Sindærn Warmistress Dæthyris Dæric is a Gærælf, the Ælflæd equivalent of a Theriant, and in combat is almost always seen astride a massive, bloodthirsty wolf-like creature known as a Gærwæth, which she has named "Aræl-Mai-Savalyr," or "Eater of Hearts". She commands a small retinue of Gærælf Executors.
The second highest-ranking Field Commander of the Ælflæd Commonwealth, Warmistress Dæric reports directly to Viscountess Ralomys. Dæric wears the white and red Sæluuk armour worn by House Dæthryiis, which constitutes the largest number of soldiers in the Commonwealth. Dæric is cousin to the Monarch and Viscountess.
The Warmistress' two Imperator Generals are always at her side.
Sæluuk Imperator General Dæthyriis Khilseith
Sæluuk Imperator General Dæthyriis Xilmær


Roughly translated to “Mind Vessels,” these are powerful, crystalline-based combat drones. Piloted by warriors of distinction, the machines are controlled from afar via Telesthetic transmission.


Massive, amoeba-like creatures of iridescent black slime, Chagóti are "protoplasmic” artificial organisms, lacking any default body shape. They are capable of forming limbs and organs depending upon their current task, and can alter their molecular structure at will in order to fulfill any and all functions to which they are tasked. A typical Chagóti adult measures 15 feet across when in a spherical configuration, though others of much greater, and smaller, sizes exist. Being amorphous, Chagóti can exist in multiple states of matter concurrently, making them very versatile within aquatic environments, as well as the vacuum of space.

Engineered by the KThód for slave labour long ago, the Chagóti were initially used to build the sprawling undersea cities on their masters’ homeworld, soon becoming part of every aspect of KThód life, including military applications. Though able to "understand" the KThód language, Chagóti have no real consciousness and are merely programmed through Telesthetics. Over millions of years of existence, certain generations of Chagóti mutated, developed independent minds, and rebelled. The KThód succeeded in quelling the insurrection, but exterminating the Chagóti was not an option as the KThód were dependent on them for labour. This led to the advent of the Tindalosi, which were deployed during the first expansion of the KThód empire, bringing them into conflict with the Hafgufa and leading to their eventual enslavement of the KThón. The Chagóti remain the most ubiquitous living tools of the KThód, and almost all current KThód technology is based on Chagóti biology.

THE GREAT OLD ONEThe ravening High Priest of the Cult of KHlûl, this creature of terrifying Telesthetic ability had remained locked for millennia outside the boundaries of our reality, until The Opening of All Doors, when it was guided to our world …


The ravening High Priest of the Cult of KHlûl, this creature of terrifying Telesthetic ability had remained locked for millennia outside the boundaries of our reality, until The Opening of All Doors, when it was guided to our world by its fanatical flock through mental projection. Profoundly diminished in strength, it now sleeps in half-death beneath the sea, plotting its revenge against they who imprisoned it as it awaits the return of its deity…

HISHThe Hish are an Extra-Dimensional Human Analogue Species with a fierce warrior culture, who have allied themselves with Broadswords in order to preserve their way of life. Hish culture centers on the ritualistic hunting of other dangerous lifefo…


The Hish are an Extra-Dimensional Human Analogue Species with a fierce warrior culture, who have allied themselves with Broadswords in order to preserve their way of life. Hish culture centers on the ritualistic hunting of other dangerous lifeforms, and this practice appears to be the foundation of their very society. They will travel huge distances — even across entire galaxies — in order to face opponents they consider a worthy challenge, and may also abduct and transport prey across similar distances to bring such victims to a hunting ground of their choice. It is acknowledged that there exists certain compelling evidence that the Hish may have visited our world in early prehistory, and in some way influenced the development of certain now-extinct Human civilisations.

The Hish exist in two distinctive genetically-related subgroups: the Yautja and the Hish-qu-Ten. Yautja are typically slightly larger than human-sized, averaging 2.5 metres in height, while Hish-qu-Ten are even more physically imposing. Historically, enmity existed between these two ethnicities, with the Hish-qu-Ten treating the Yautja as a prey species on their homeworld, warring against them for thousands of years as both groups colonised the stars, and expanded their respective empires.

These hostilities were unilaterally abandoned across their territory in the wake of The Opening of all Doors. An armistice was reached when military collaboration with the Krómi and KThón consolidated those species participating in the Broadswords Compact. Currently, each group respects the other, the more intelligent Yautja hold higher office, with the larger Hish-qu-Ten serving as elite military.

Hish Agents are designated by Broadswords High Command as "Kapsliga Uur" and are typically assigned to VAKTPOST Ranger Groups, where their superior reconnaissance and tracking abilities are put to extraordinary use. The Hish chieftain Greyquill has been attached to APEX Battalion’s VAKTPOST Division. Serving in Ranger Group B with a contingent of Hish Agents, they employ their unique survival skills to great effect. A close personal friend of COL Vojak’s, Greyback has allied his clan to the cause of humanity, and over time they have shown themselves to be invaluable assets within Broadswords.

Hish technology is distinctive in many respects, not least of which is its unusual combination of ornate, tribal appearance masking deadly, sophisticated weaponry. Despite the species' obvious technological prowess (including long-range space travel, Adaptive Camouflage, and Plasmic Discharge weaponry), traditional, ancient weapons, such as swords, knives and spears, are still employed widely. These are apparently considered by the Hish as being more "honourable" tools in close combat than projectile weapons, This tendency has been adopted by Broadswords in many aspects, as it resonates with Human traditions.

Although Humans had been working to develop Therm-Optic Camouflage for decades,it was the integration of Hish systems that perfected the technology. There remain certain disadvantages to its use, however, as it is persistently susceptible to malfunction when exposed to extreme levels of humidity, and is often rendered completely useless in precipitation or when fully submerged.

HYBORIANSA race of grey-skinned brutes, the Hyborians are an Extra-Dimensional Human Analogue from an alternate version of Earth, which exists in a Higher Dimensional Substratum.They were once enslaved by a species they refer to as "The Masters," bu…


A race of leathery-skinned giants, the Hyborians (also known as Novo Homnibus) are an Extra-Spatial Human Analogue from an Alternate Iteration of our world.

They were once enslaved by a species they refer to as "The Masters," but they lack any capacity to describe their former keepers, due to some sort of species-wide post-hypnotic Telesthetic control. There is an hypothesis that these Masters were in fact a lost colony of Me'Gog, cut off from the rest of their race by some unknown cataclysm. The Hyborians believe that The Masters died off, allowing them to eventually establish their own culture and achieve a moderately advanced society.

The Krómi and KThón had already allied with The Hyborians before their arrival on our world.

Technologically, Hyborians are relatively advanced, however their prevailing belief system harkens back to "The Time Without Masters," with a fixation on the period when their species had a more primitive and naturalistic way of life. They are aware that thousands of generations separate them from the grunting apes they evolved from (genetic alterations upon their species by The Masters have made them extraordinarily intelligent and physically resilient), although Hyborians find a sort of solace in embracing their bestial ancestry through bare-handed physical combat.

As a result, it is not unusual to find Hyborian Agents within the Broadswords ranks who carry no weapons, other than their own fists, or a small tree that has been crafted into a primitive cudgel. The Intelligence Division maintains a Special Assault Team composed of Hyborian Operators and Hierophant Class Bionids, under the command of the Transgenic Nonhuman Primate CMDT Hrøthgaar.

KHLÛLThe cult of KHlûl is a fanatical militant religious movement spearheaded by its High Priest, The Great Old One. This cult fomented a religious civil war among the entire KThód civilisation, weakening their social structure enough to allow the K…


The cult of KHlûl is a fanatical militant religious movement spearheaded by its High Priest, The Great Old One. This cult fomented a religious civil war among the entire KThód civilisation, weakening their social structure enough to allow the KThón slaves to gain their freedom, waging a rebellion, which in conjunction with the civil war, wiped out a large swath of the KThód population. Ultimately imprisoning The Great Old One in the Schism between Dimensional Substrata. Following The Opening of All Doors, The Great Old One was called to our world by the remainder of its followers. They now await the coming of their deity, influencing and feeding upon the minds of the Cult of KHlûl’s Human followers from the depths of the oceans. It has been hypothesised that The Opening of All Doors was, in some way, partially facilitated by Human cultists, and ongoing investigations continue.

Meanwhile, the existence of KHlûl as an actual biological organism has yet to be confirmed.

KTHÓDThe KThód were once colonisers of the stars, enslaving lesser races in a quest to expand their empire. A devastating religious civil war broke out when the genocidal Cult of KHlûl — fanatical zealots in the worship of their deity — rebelled, ur…


The KThód had built their empire across the stars, as a peerless force of invading colonialists for countless millennia; not just a single species, but rather a hierarchy of many races, spreading like a plague, enslaving life wherever they found it, and creating new life to aid in their ever-expanding conquest. 

Then came civil war. The Cult of KHlûl, fanatical zealots in the worship of their rapacious god, and unquestioning loyalty to their High Priest, “The Great Old One,” they spread out even farther, seeking the subjugation of all intelligent life accessible via the Heliks, feeding on sanity itself. The enslaved KThón took their chance and waged war on a second front, dealing an even greater blow to the prevailing powers of the KThód.

Now, their numbers are in profound decline. But the cult has enslaved many other species in their long crusade, and have agents who will gladly give their lives to the cause. Among them, unfortunate human beings from our world who have fallen under their Telesthetic influence.

Spilling back into our world after æons following The Opening of All Doors, they now infest the Earth like parasites, hiding away in warrens dug in the depths of our world’s oceans, awaiting the awakening of their slumbering leader…


High Priest of the KThód’s prevailing Cult of KHlûl, this creature of terrifying Telesthetic ability had remained locked for millennia within the Heliks, just beyond the boundaries of our reality, until The Opening of All Doors. Guiding its fanatical flock through mental projection and dreams, it sleeps in half-death, plotting its revenge against they who imprisoned it…

KTHÓNThe KThón are an Extradimensional species who have been at war with the KThód for eons. Taking advantage of the KThód’s religious civil war, they rose from slavery and managed to all but defeat their former masters, pushing back the expanse of …


The KThón are an Extra-Spatial species that has been at war with the KThód for eons. Having once risen up from slavery under the KThód yoke, they formed a powerful military society and managed to defeat their former masters, pushing back the expanse of their fanatical cult and greatly diminishing the KThód population. Their bid to wipe out their enemies for good was ended in the wake of The Opening of All Doors, the name given to the simultaneous Extra-Spatial Incursions which took place across multiple Spatial Strata. This event allowed the KThód High Priest to escape his imprisonment between Spatial Strata and enter our world.

As emissaries of their people, KThón agent Thohlnsz and his subordinate Ssrihlnsz traversed multiple dimensions and worlds, bringing warnings and aid wherever they could. While Thohlnsz and Ssrihlnsz have advised and fought alongside Broadswords on many fronts, they have now allied themselves with a human community known as The Nomads, leading them on a journey to the Arctic Circle, with promises of safety and security from the existential threat of Extra-Spatial Incursions. The KThón ostensibly remain valued allies, their true intentions for these people remain unknown to Broadswords High Command. The Krómi, who introduced humanity to the KThón, are similarly ignorant of their plans.

KUOLEMAThe Kuolemankauppiasii are an Extra-Dimensional Human Analogue Species who long ago abandoned their biological forms in favour of a technological evolution. While highly-advanced, their culture is based on strict notions or military might. Be…


The Kuolemankauppiasii are an Extra-Spatial Human Analogue Species of sentient machines. While highly-advanced, their culture is based on strict notions of military might. Possessing extremely strong and durable Mechatronic bodies, they prefer melee combat to what they regard as the more inelegant use of ranged weaponry. This predilection has allowed them to foster relationships with both the Orcnēas and Hyborian factions based on mutual admiration of physical combat. It was the Krómi who ultimately convinced the Kuolemankauppiasii leadership to establish a mutually beneficial accord with BROADSWORDS High Command.

Because as machines they can never die, the Kuolemankauppiasii are death fetishists, and have designed their technology with rampant skull motifs, even incorporating it into the shape of their own armoured bodies and equipment.

The Kuolema hold deep hatred for the Oni-Tsuchigumo, who long ago invaded their homeworld alongside the KThód.  After enduring massive casualties and the parasitic enslavement of large swathes of their population, as a last ditch effort in their fight to survive, the Kuolema abandoned their existence as biological organisms, and their infested planet, vowing to someday wipe out all KThód and their allies.

There are currently five types of Kuolema:

Teränherra are Commanders.

Taistelija are Assault Infantry.

luunmurskaaja are Kuolema Heavy Assault units.

Indeksoijat are infiltration units.

Auringonsyöjät are sentient fighter craft capable of long distance spaceflight.

KRÓMI"Adam" is a Nano-Mimetic Organism, engineered by a technologically-advanced Human civilisation, which once existed on an Earth analogue in a higher Dimensional Substratum. Prior to their total obliteration following a protracted KThód invasion …


"Adam" is a Nano-Mimetic Organism, engineered by a technologically-advanced Human civilisation, which once existed on an Earth analogue in a higher Dimensional Substratum. Prior to their total obliteration following a protracted KThód invasion of their world, the greatest scientists on the planet collaborated to create Adam in order to secure their legacy and sent him out into the Heliks to find allies. Adam met the KThón, joining them as they fought to stem the tide of the KThód's genocidal crusade. Endowed with the ability to replicate himself, Adam created his binary Eve, and together they gave birth to a vast army, which aided the KThón as they delivered a tremendous blow upon their former masters. They succeeded in greatly reducing KThód numbers, though this came at profound cost, leaving Adam and Eve as the remaining representatives of their race, bereft of the ability to replicate themselves further.

Eventually making their way to our world from KThón-controlled space, it was Adam and Eve who warned mankind of what was coming, offering the knowledge of their creators and moving us forward into a new era of technology, allowing us to fight back against the many threats which entered our reality after The Opening of all Doors.

Together with Eve, Adam now holds a high-ranking position within Broadswords High Command, and has installed himself within APEX Battalion. With no name having been given to their species, Broadswords High Command have designated Adam and Eve as “Krómi,” due to the silvery appearance of their bodies.


An Extra-Spatial species of insectoid creatures, the Me'Gog have colonised our world and several other planets in our solar system, with their local seat of power centralised on Pluto.

While technologically advanced, the Me'Gog rely on slaves to build and maintain this technology,  infecting host organisms with a parasitic fungus which acts as a medium for their relatively weak Telesthetic capabilities, allowing total neurological control.

This method is not relegated solely to the control of other species. As with many of the other Extra-Dimensional Phenomena Broadswords have encountered, the Me'Gog social hierarchy exists as a caste system, with the smaller "Masters" functioning as an authoritarian collectivemind while using the larger "Sumpters" as transportation and beasts of burden. A third variety, the “Impalers” function as the warrior caste. As with their bitter enemies the KThod, these creatures have an expansive territory, and a vast Inter-Dimensional empire across thousands of worlds which are populated by myriad enslaved races, all under the Telesthetic influence of the Me'Gog,

Their presence in the solar system has been suggested as the primary obstacle to the remaining human population's exit from our planet.

ONI-BOKKOKUAn Extra-Dimensional Species that were stranded on our world following the Opening of All Doors. They are generally hostile toward humans when encountered, though they have fortunately shown very little interest in concerted aggression, o…


An Extra-Spatial Species engineered by the  ONI-TSUCHIGUMO as slave labour and for Heavy Assault. Standing at roughly four metres, the Oni-Bokkoku have bio-mechanoid anatomy, their makers clearly having incorporated KThód technology into their biology long ago. Attempts at communication with this species have met with no success whatsoever.

Their bodies are covered in a chitinous, armoured silicon shell, which is molted as the individual ages and increases in size. Each individual carries with them a multi-purpose, sentient, Nano-Mimentic machine designated by Broadswords as a "Kanabō." This spherical device is highly coveted by both INTDIV and SCI/TECH, particularly because it self-destructs when its carrier is killed, leaving no detectable trace.

Although research indicates the species is oviparous, males and females bear no obvious external physical differences. It has been suggested that mated pairs exchange genetic material via their Kanabō, which serves as a gestational hub for the fertilised embryo.

At least two distinct castes exist, characterised by different colouration in their carapace, a trait they share with their creators.


Possessing a natural immunity to Telesthetic control, this species of Extra-Spatial Phenomena are all the more dangerous because they have voluntarily allied themselves with the KThód in a bid to maintain the sovereignty of their own vast parasitoidal empire. It is hypothesised by the Álfuur that the Tsuchigumo could easily wipe out their KThód confederates based on numbers alone, and that they are perhaps manipulating the KThód to achieve their own goals. The KThón, however, reject this notion, claiming that the Great Old One serves only the will of his god Khlûl, and has nothing to fear from those who may seek to use his crusade to further their own ends. Regardless of their motives, it is acknowledged that any species which would voluntarily align themselves with the KThód are perhaps even more dangerous.

These creatures are imposing figures; standing at nearly twice normal human height, their bodies are long and slender, covered in a bony carapace. The Tsuchigumo have adapted the KThód molecular technology which led to the creation of the Chagóti, incorporating a version of the species as personal defensive systems, stored in recesses in their chitinous shell. While the deadly, black, viscous tendrils make the use of any other weapon unnecessary, the Tsuchigumo are possessed of ripping claws and two pairs of venomous barbs, projecting from their forelimbs and feet. The neurotoxic venom renders the victim catatonic in order to allow the Tsuchigumo to implant its larvae, which develop inside the living host, consuming the internal organs until emerging fully grown.

The species is separated into several castes, which are easily recognised due to their specifically differentiated colourations. 

The command class, designated by Broadswords as "Ten'nō (Emperors)," possess a deep red and gold carapace, while the primary combat class, designated as "Disuenbourā (Eviscerators)," are metallic green-black in colour.  The bone-white "Konzetsu-sha (Eradicators)" parasitically attach themselves to Queen Volósi, striding into combat on their backs, while the translucent "Sen'nyū-sha (Infiltrators)" function as reconnaissance units. All are able to reconfigure their bodies into bipedal and quadrupedal formations, though Emperors are most often seen walking on all fours.

The Æflæd have suggested that there are several other unknown castes in existence, though this has yet to be confirmed, as none have yet been encountered.

The Kuoléma hold deep hatred for this species, who long ago invaded their homeworld alongside the KThód.  After enduring massive casualties and the parasitic enslavement of large swathes of their population, as a last ditch effort in their fight to survive, the Kuolema abandoned their existence as biological organisms, and their infested planet, vowing to someday wipe out all KThód and their allies.

ORCNĒASThe Orcnēas (singular and plural) are an Extra-Dimensional Human Analogue Species, who are all said to have descended from a being known as Orcus, which appears in human mythology dating back to the Etruscan age of the 7th century B.C., as a …


The Orcnēas (singular and plural) are an Extra-Spatial Human Analogue Species, who are all said to have descended from a being known as Orcus, which appears in human mythology dating back to the Etruscan age of the 7th century B.C., as a god of death or the underworld.
Their reality is parallel to our own, and their homeworld sits in the same spatial coordinates as our Earth. The Krómi first brought them to the attention of Broadswords as potential allies, but due to their naturally aggressive manner and carnivorous (often cannibalistic) diet, it was several decades before a tenuous truce could be agreed upon. They are highly-intelligent tacticians and possessed of tremendous physical strength, making them formidable opponents, and valuable allies. Their communities, called Warrens, are deep underground; thousands of individuals will live together, huddled within vast networks of tunnels and cave systems, most of them related by blood, led by a single Matriarch. Their chief industry has long been the mining and refinement of iron ore, which they used to construct crude, but powerful weaponry.

As with Ælflæd, Orcnēas are physically similar to humans, although generally tend to be somewhat smaller in stature. Their bodies are covered in a shirt coarse coat of mottled, brown and greenish fur. This green colouration comes from a strain of subterranean algae which grows on them from birth, providing a natural fast-healing barrier when their tough, leathery skin is broken. This algae can also appear as a deep red on individuals from certain regions. Orcnēas have large pointed ears, bright red eyes, and prominent sharp teeth or tusks, giving them an animalistic appearance. Females possess a pseudo-penis, a trait they share with the Ælflæd.

Culturally, the Orcnēas are learning to evolve past their extremely tribal and warlike society, where clashes among different clans had been the norm for hundreds of thousands of years, a quality they share with humankind. Conflicting belief systems within their society have served as justification for age-old feuds. Certain creation myths imply that the species originated as an entirely different, far more advanced breed, who were forced underground by a cataclysm and subsequently devolved into their current form, as an adaptation to subterranean life over hundreds of thousands of generations. A genetic offshoot known as Arch-Orcnēas lives as a minority within Orcnēas society. These are individuals of massive proportions who can be born to parents who show no signs of the mutation. They exist in their own social stratum as heavy assault units within their clans’ military.

When not at war, Orcnēas time was usually spent planning for conflict. Most older Orcnēas approach life with the belief that to survive, one must subjugate potential enemies and control as many resources as possible in order to breed in large numbers, which put them naturally at odds with humans when the two species were introduced.

However, Broadswords High Command, with the aid of the Krómi, Hyborians, and the KThón, finally impressed upon the Orcnēas the importance of putting aside age-old enmities in order to preserve their species in the wake of The Opening of All Doors. This has allowed them to move forward technologically as well as socially, and led to the formation of a ruling body consisting of chieftesses from the major Orcnēas clans, as well as an organised fighting force, advised and outfitted by Broadswords. At present, Operators of Orcnēas descent are a regular fixture at many Broadswords facilities. Typically assigned to the rank of VAKTPOST RANGER, they perform with distinction in the field, using a combination of their own traditional melee weapons and more advanced loadouts.

ULVÅSHAmong the incalculable number of Extra-Dimensional Phenomena that have made our world their hunting ground, Ulvåsh is especially dangerous. Also referred to by the KThón as The Blood-Mad God of the Void, this being appears as a colossal, vampi…


Among the incalculable number of Extra-Dimensional Phenomena that have made our world their hunting ground, Ulvåsh is especially dangerous. Also referred to by the KThón as The Blood-Mad God of the Void, this being appears as a colossal, vampiric mass of both tentacles and eyes, in its natural form it exists outside our Dimensional Substratum, and is undetectable in the human visual spectrum. Little is known about the organism itself, but there are several recorded cases of humans being infected by it. The creature reaches through an organic body from the other side of the Schism between Dimensional Substrata, and uses it as an anchor in our reality. However, this does provide Broadswords with a tactical advantage, as the creature’s movements can be measured and calculated through the commingling of Telesthetics and technology, which has resulted in a slowing of the outbreak across population.

Infected hosts become grotesquely deformed and are essentially dead; although bodily functions are sustained by Uvhåsh, it has been suggested that the host becomes a sensory organ for the creature, allowing it to perceive our reality as we do, a theory which has been bolstered by the fact that Broadswords have been able to use an infected subject, codenamed “Bob,” as an Inter-Dimensional “Scrying Conduit,” and have been Telesthetically tracking the creature’s movements for nearly one century. This process has provided a wealth of additional data, and so the Scrying Conduit program is one of APEX Battalion’s Science & Technology Division’s most important ongoing enterprises.

APEX Battalion possesses some of the most accomplished and skillful SCI/TECH personnel, and Broadswords High Command has entrusted the Bob project to them. The project is administrated at APEX Battalion HQ by both SCI/TECH and INTDIV, with a large contingent of VAKTPOST personnel leading the security team.

While very little factual data exists apart from what has been observed through Bob, there is much in the way of apocrypha; it is theorised that Ulvhåsh dwells within an Extra-Dimensional Realm known as Rhylkos, on a planetoid which occupies the same spatial coordinates as the planet Mars. It is said that whomever summons Ulvhåsh will suffer an atrocious death. Ulvhåsh is rumoured to have been worshipped by Emperor Caligula. There have been genetic comparisons made with the Extra-Dimensional Phenomena known as Star Vampires, though the relationship between the two species is unknown.

VOLOSIA species of insectoid quadrupeds, the Volosi were among the first invasive Extra-Dimensional Phenomena to infest our reality after The Opening of All Doors.Extremely aggressive and able to rapidly breed in large numbers, they attack in swarms…


Also known as KThógæ, this race of insectoid quadrupeds are an Extra-Spatial species, domesticated and now bred by the Oni-Tsuchigumo as a tool for planetary invasions.

Extremely aggressive and able to rapidly reproduce in large numbers, they are used as colonisation forces, dropped onto population centers where they will attack in swarms that can quickly overrun their prey.

Volósi can also be found accompanying Oni-Tsuchigumo squads in small packs, with female "Queens," which are used as steeds by Oni-Tsuchigumo Riders, and a group of smaller male "Drones" for fast attacks.

XÆLHEQThe being known as “The Hollow God,” or “The Devourer Whose Husk Lies in Wait” is an ancient entity once worshiped as a deity by the KThód, until The Great Old One became leader of the bloodthirsty Cult of KHlûl, and rejected Xælheq in favour …


The being known as “The Hollow God,” or “The Devourer Whose Husk Lies in Wait” is an ancient entity once worshiped as a deity by the KThód, until The Great Old One became leader of the bloodthirsty Cult of KHlûl, and rejected Xælheq in favour of its own god, which led to the KThód religious civil war. This allowed the KThón slaves to rise up and nearly decimate their former masters, who came to seek refuge in our world when it was still in its infancy.

KThón mythology states that Xælheq’s offspring encased it in a cocoon so that it could metamorphose into a more powerful incarnation, which sleeps in a Higher Dimensional Substratum until it will awaken and strike down the Cult of KHlûl. Each KThón spends their lives awaiting its emergence, when it is said the creature will devour everything in its path.

Statues of this deity have been found in the ruins of prehistoric temples across the globe near areas with high incidences of electromagnetic disruption, suggesting the potential presence of Traversable Singularities. A relationship between the statues and these distortions of spacetime are the subject of intense research. There is a growing theory within SCI/TECH that these statues are in fact the deity’s offspring in hibernation, having prepared the way for their parent as it endeavours to gain a hold in our reality. Some evidence supports this conjecture, however it is not yet widely accepted. Certain elements within High Command are allowing further study and preparation.